

Edward Masel


From two who graduated in 1950 fond memories of a great teacher. Have talked of him over the years. Lucky he came to NH.!! Pat Cobb

- Patricia Cobb

Dear Bonnie and Bob,

So sorry to hear that Bonnie's father has passed away. We had such a wonderful visit with him not long ago. He was such a story teller and relished meeting another person with Scranton roots. He lead an admirable life from his Scranton days, his service to his country and his work as a teacher. Please know that you and your extended family are in our prayers.


Rachel, Ed, Kevin and Patrick

- Rachel Powers

To the family of Mr. Masel,
With great interest and admiration of a teacher I remember having many decades ago, I read the obituary of Mr. Masel and wasn't surprised to learn of his amazing accomplishments in every area of his life. This was a life well lived.
Not being a very motivated student back in the late sixties at New Hartford High School, Mr. Masel' s class was one of the few classes I not only looked forward to but embraced his enthusiasm for reading and read many books with his class and never forgot his references to the "ombalonga" which I think was the brain. I actually became an English teacher/reading specialist and can only hope that my influence as a teacher was even in the smallest way as profound an Ed Masel's was.
Being a friend of Claudia Cramer, I was acquainted with Mr. Masel's daughters, especially Bonnie. My sincerest condolences to the blessed family of such a wonderful man.
Sincerely, Jan Thompson Joslyn

- Jan Joslyn

I would like to thank Bonny and Ed for making it possible for the Class of 1956 to enjoy the opportunity of having Mr Masel join us for our 60th Class Reunion. Words cannot do justice to the enjoyment we all had visiting with Mr Masel. God gave our mothers the ability to give birth to us and just a few of us made the kind of contribution to the world and it's kids that Mr Masel did. A member of the Greatest Generation, Great Teacher, Great Coach and most important a Caring Loving Person. Thank you for being you. "R.I.P."

- Anthony "Tony" Mineo

Mr. Masel was one of my favorite teachers at New Hartford. He taught a college skills reading course and I learned so much from him. He was passionate about his teaching and made his class fun. He had a "romantic seating chart" which made for many laughs.

At times I would see him at Our Lady of Lourdes in Utica. Whether he recognized me or not, I would stop him to tell him that he was instrumental in my career choice.
Yes, Mr. Masel, I became an English teacher/ literacy teacher ...and you indirectly lead me down this career path. Need I mention, I taught in New Hartford in the same room that you did. :) With heartfelt gratitude, I thank you.

- Marilyn Cardinale Montesano

Some of the grammer tricks Mr Masel have stuck will me through the many years since I graduated from New Hartford, such as the 'cross out to the left' rule and the 'girdle rule'. Others like the choo-choo train rule and the fulcrum rule are lost to me, but the names remain. He certainly made learning our language fun. I had the pleasure of having him in a class I taught several years ago and found that his enthusiasm for learning and life had not deminished one iota. I am feeling blessed to have known him.

- Mary Lou Rosecrants

I graduated from New Hartford High School in 1973 and have forgotten the names of most of my teachers over the years. I will, however, always remember Mr. Masel and his advice to "put the question in your oombalonga". I have a clear recollection of him being a kind person with the ability to motivate students in a meaningful manner. His advice got me through college, graduate school and subconsciously, it was ingrained as a tool for creating a framework to approach any problem at work or in day to day life.

I am sorry for your loss....

- Nancy Gould

I didn't enter NHHS until the 9th grade, and had only one course with Mr. Masel - a kind of college prep course. I wish I had more but it only took that one course for me to think fondly of him the way everyone else apparently did.  

- Bill Owens class of 1964

Masel the mole. That's how Mr. Masel introduced himself in his reading class in 1969. He held up his open hands and said he could dig a fox hole faster than anyone else with those hands. He was so cool. We all loved Mr. Masel. I use the reading skills he taught us everyday, and through-out my own career. I remember so vividly how he told us he didn't like vocabulary tests, and then taught us how to shape a small piece of paper to fit the palm of our hand, and then place our hand on our forehead just in the right position to read the words written on it. Flash forward to now. I would see him at the New Hartford Senior Center , dancing, and oh how he could dance, reminded me of my father, who also was in the marine corps in WWII in the Pacific. I told Mr. Masel a few times that I was one of his reading students, back in the days when New Hartford had amazing teachers. He was one of the greatest generation and will be sorely missed.

With condolences and great respect,
Pamela Levitt Darman, NHCS class of 1971

- Pamela Darman